
BBB 23 | Number of 'Popcorn Gourmet' followers attracts Web attention

O Big Brother Brazil starts next Monday, January 16th. The country's most popular reality show is already taking over the most talked about topics on social media.

This Thursday, during the Globo program, the participants, boxes and popcorn, were announced to the public. Celebrities and anonymous people are competing for the final prize, the biggest of all editions.

The public is eagerly awaiting the announcement of the box, the celebrities of the edition, but the ones who caught the eye were some of the anonymous ones, affectionately nicknamed 'gourmet popcorn' by the public on the web.

This is because some of the 'anonymous' participants already had exorbitant amounts of followers on Instagram, the number reaching almost 1 million on one of the profiles.

Check out the list of BBB popcorn poppers with the most followers on Instagram.

  • Marília - 798 thousand followers;
  • Gustavo - 248 thousand followers;
  • Larissa Santos - 109 thousand followers;

Marília is a professional make-up artist and works online to promote her work. Gustavo posts videos on his Instagram, but does not act directly as a digital influencer. Larissa Santos is a Physical Education teacher and personal trainer.

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