
Find out how to win clothes from Shein!

Shein Clothing is currently one of the most popular online fashion stores, offering attractive value and attracting more and more attention for the quality of its products, especially its prices. But what if it could be even better?

Shein Free Trial Program

Few people know, but Shein has a new program where you can receive Shein clothes free of charge for testing. You only have to assess the quality once you've received it. This is a free trial program and it's very easy to join. You can apply both ways. Here are the steps for using the application on your computer's browser and on your cell phone:

  • Download the app from the Apple Store for iOS or Play Store for Android.
  • Register using a valid e-mail account.
  • Check the e-mail using the link that will be sent.
  • Once your account is confirmed, log in to the application.
  • Go to profile and then in the "More Services" tab look for "Free trial center".
  • A list of trial products will be displayed, choose the product and click on "Free Trial".
  • Choose the size, if any, and move on.
  • Confirm the delivery address.
  • Now all you have to do is wait for the evaluation and, if approved, the shein clothes will be sent.
Find out how to win clothes from Shein!
Illustrative image: Shein's free testing center

The products, which range from men's and women's accessories to children's items and clothing, have trial periods and once the trial opportunity is available, the product is no longer valid. Please note that you will be redirected to the "Finished" page and will only be able to evaluate it at a later date.


I've left the link below so you can go directly to the free trial page.

Tracking the Status of Your Free Trial Application

You can follow these steps to track your application and evaluate the product you receive:

Find out how to win clothes from Shein!
Illustrative image: Shein's free testing center
  1. Still in the "Free Trial Center" menu, click on the "My orders" icon.
  2. A list of Test applications will be displayed with the status green if approved, yellow while pending and red if there are any impediments and your application has not been accepted.
  3. Once received, in the same window in front of each product there will be a button for evaluation, so just click, leave your comment and save.

An additional advantage is that you can earn 20 points per product when your test application is successful, and a bonus of 100 points if your evaluation is considered "High Quality". However, it is important to note that this is not an unlimited option, as each product selected requires a new registration and is subject to SHEIN's evaluation in order to be sent to you.

The advantage is that as you are approved and follow SHEIN's evaluation guidelines, your chances of evaluating new products in future applications increase. It is important to remember that you must provide a review of the product received in each case. Not evaluating a product received or not submitting a review could impact your future eligibility for the free trial.

Shein points

There's another easy way to buy SHEIN clothes at no cost. With every purchase you make, you earn points that have an equivalent value in Brazilian reais. By accumulating these points until you reach the amount you need in reais for a product, you can "buy" it using your points, ensuring that there is no expense to you.

Remember when I mentioned that the points you earn from registrations and reviews in the "Free Trial" program are cumulative and form part of your portfolio? This means that, essentially, SHEIN is rewarding you for evaluating its products. It's all the more reason not to miss out on the "Free Trial" products, as these points can also be used to get free clothing.

Important Tips

Here are some guidelines to ensure that your account is always qualified for the test and to avoid missing out on future opportunities.

  1. All users are eligible to take part in shein's free tasting program, but there are two points that prevent you from qualifying for the program, the main one being whether there is any block on your account, accounts that are blacklisted are not eligible because they have broken the rules and can no longer take part.
  2. A second ineligibility is when your account already has 3 applications in the week, i.e. shein limits every account to a maximum of 3 applications per week, it's not a problem, just a limitation by shein, but the following week you'll be able to apply tests for 3 new products.


SHEIN clothes will be sent free of charge, including the transportation fee, however, it is possible that they may be subject to customs duties. In this case, the user will be responsible for paying the fee required to release the products. It is important to note that failure to pay this fee may affect the user's eligibility for future registrations. This is a clear rule of the program.


The Trial Report is essentially the evaluation of the product you have chosen to test. This report should contain detailed information about the texture of the fabric, the quality of the materials, the experience of wearing the garment and needs to be thoroughly prepared. It is crucial to include clear photos of the product, and it is important that they are original images, not taken from other sources or from the app itself. This report is intended to help future buyers, and it is essential that it is as honest as possible.

The deadline for submitting this report is 10 days, and failure to meet this deadline could affect the possibility of carrying out future tests. It's important to note that even if you don't submit the report, the product is yours to keep, but evaluating all products is crucial to avoiding possible penalties on your account and guaranteeing the opportunity to carry out new tests.

In the event of problems sending the report, you still have the option of contacting SHEIN to request an extension.


SHEIN provides answers to many questions on its own website. Much of the information we share here can be found there, along with additional information. You can consult the following link to clarify some of your doubts: [Link to SHEIN's website].


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